The open road can be a great adventure and also hard. So we hope that these activities can help you on your Southern Alberta adventure!

We know that car rides can be long, but they can also be fun!

Feel free to download any and all that you like and be sure to share with friends! Some we created, others are ones we love!

If you have any you would like to share, we would love to have them on the site. Just send us an email through our form.

Colouring pages

road trip loving!

Now to get your eyes looking out of the car.

Colouring is amazing but for some of us, we need to look outside. So here is a list of some of our favourite car games!
  1. 20 questions: take turns thinking of a place, animal, food, etc and the car has 20 questions to figure it out!
  2. Popular car colour: Pick a colour, really that simple and keep a tally of how may vehicles pass you in that colour! (white and black are usually the winners, hint hint)

  1. Guess that song title.
  2. I spy with my little eye.
  3. Cows on my side: get a point every time you holler cows on my side.
  4. Guess that movie. 
  5. The number plate game: Plate: EH55LBT = Elizabeth Herbert. 55 years old had lovely bright teeth.